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Non-Health Promotion Grant Members

Welcome to LGRMS Health Promotion Services. Not a grant member yet? We'll get you oriented and started on the process. Learn about applying for a grant, developing a workplace wellness policy, offering training, following the Tier Point Action Plan, and utilizing all of our programs and resources.

Step 1: Where Do You Start?

Learn how to develop your workplace wellness policy, and use our templates and examples as guidance.

Step 2: What's Next?

Have employees take an interest survey to measure openness to health promotion and wellness programs. Then create and follow your Tier Point Action Plan over the course of a year.

Step 3: Then What Do You Do?

As you follow your plan, work hard to promote your workplace wellness programs, offer training, and provide resources to employees.

Step 4: Apply for the Health Promotion Grant

You will need to track your activities over the course of a year and score your points in order to apply for our grant. Follow our checklist to make sure you're accomplishing the right tasks.

Step 5: Utilize LGRMS Health Promotion Services Programs and Resources

Whether you win a grant or not, we encourage you to promote health and wellness in your workplace through training, information campaigns, and special programs offered by LGRMS.

Programs & Resources

Then What Do You Do?

Where Do You Start?

What's Next?

Apply for Health Promotion Grant

Flyer Examples

Community Health Promotion Resources

Health Promotion Services Class Offerings

Evaluation Form

Master Checklist

Tier Point Action Plan

Mid-Year Report

Year-End Report

Workplace Wellness Policy

Awareness Resources

Health Communication Campaigns

Prevention and Health Education Training

Behavior Change Disease Management Programs

Meet Your HPS Rep

Interest Survey

Grant Press Release

Program Flyers

Helpful Tips

Living Well Georgia

Health Scoops

Poster Campaign

Health Promotion Services Class Offerings


National Health Observances Calendar

UGA Extension

Walk Georgia


BlueCross BlueShield of Georgia

LiveHealth Online