Health Promotion Services Class Offerings
LGRMS Health Promotion Services offers training programs on a variety of topics. They are held at different training locations and target multiple audiences.
Trainings are provided at no cost to the health insurance program members of ACCG and GMA. Reach out to us for the most current training schedules.
Training programs include:
Back Injury Prevention for Wellness Back injury is the #1 leading cause of missed work days. Learn about the parts that make up your back, causes and types of injuries, how you can prevent injuries, and proper lifting techniques.
BCBSGA 360° Health One of the most comprehensive health management programs in the industry. Delivers unprecedented value through a suite of programs, tools, and resources. Discover all the services and benefits available to you.
Office Ergonomics “A comfortable fit of your surroundings and you.” Discover how to work smarter, not harder by fitting the task to the employee. Workstation assessments also provided.
Freshstart Tobacco Cessation Created by American Cancer Society Workplace Solutions. A 4-week group-based tobacco cessation counseling program designed to help participants quit tobacco. Training provided by LGRMS Health Promotion Services.
Health Consumerism and Self-Care Employees learn skills in using a self-care book so they can manage everyday health problems. The most cost-effective program offered.
Health Education - Various Topics Identify the signs and symptoms of some of the most common health problems as well as learn how to manage and prevent them. Onsite trainings include:
- What’s On Your Plate?
- Cooking Made Healthy
- What’s In That? (Better understand how to read and use nutrition labels)
- Supermarket Survival Training
- Be Active Your Way (Physical activity guidelines for adults)
- Losing Weight the Healthy Way
- Weight Management (Keeping your body weight at a healthy level)
- Understanding Diabetes
- The Silent Killer (High Blood Pressure)
- Here Comes the Sun (Sun safety)
- Sweet Dreams: Better Sleep for a Better You
- ...and many more.
LocalGovU E-Learning Provides the nation's largest selection of city and county government-specific e-learning. Save time and money by training your staff, your department, or yourself online. Online trainings include:
- Eating Right for Health and Fitness
- Understanding Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
- Walking Your Way to Fitness
- ...and many more.
Health Fair and Wellness Screenings Employees receive health promotion / health education information and are offered baseline biometric screenings to identify risk areas.
Health Risk Assessment (HRA) and Onsite Consultation Employees complete a brief confidential personal health analysis, receive advice from a confidential wellness report, and have a one-on-one consultation to explain results. The local government receives a group report that summarizes health and safety practices in their employee population. It also identifies costly risk areas of the group as a whole.
Heart Health A 6-week heart health program that helps employees gain a better understanding of how the heart works, cardiovascular disease, and what they can do to keep their heart healthy.
Stress Management Employees are trained in recognizing common signs of stress and how to manage them using special techniques.
*Once-a-Year Offering: High Impact Health Promotion and Wellness Learn to identify workplace assets, leadership skills for health promotion, to plan effective programs, about community resources, about LGRMS HPS no-cost resources, and how other local governments have built lucrative programs.
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