Distracted Driving
Evidence increasingly shows that distracted driving is at least as dangerous as driving drunk. When government employees are driving, they may get distracted by work phone calls, emails, and texts -- and that's in addition to typical driver distractions such as eating, checking their cell phone, and talking to passengers. You need a clear policy for employees to lessen your liability and increase their safety. These resources include sample policies, guidelines, and best practices.
Distracted Driving
March 7, 2016
Includes recommendations and resources for employers.
Sample Distraction-Free Driving Policy
March 7, 2016
| Texas Chapter of the National Safety Council
Use or adapt this sample text to create your organization's policy about cell phone use and driving.
Drive Safely Work Week
March 7, 2016
| Network of Employers for Traffic Safety
A toolkit that helps you communicate to employees about the dangers of distracted driving.
Distracted Driving Pledge Form
March 7, 2016
The fight to end distracted driving starts with you. Make the commitment to drive phone-free today.
Managing Distracted Driving in Law Enforcement Workshop
March 15, 2016
| Travelers
This workshop is designed for local policymakers, law enforcement executives and command staff, acting supervisory staff, senior officers, field training officers and instructors who are responsible for controlling operations within their departments.
Preventing Work-related Motor Vehicle Crashes
March 7, 2016
This fact sheet recommends ways you can keep workers safe when driving or riding in a motor vehicle on the job. It outlines components of a successful motor vehicle safety program. It ends with a checklist that you can use to implement the recommendations.
Distracted Driving: Employers Need To Keep Their Eyes On The Road
March 7, 2016
| Mark A. Lies, II, Seyfarth Shaw LLP
Employers whose businesses require the use of cars, vans or trucks must understand that their policies and training regarding the safe operation of those vehicles--and the inclusion of a clear prohibition against texting while driving--are of strong interest to OSHA, the law enforcement community, insurance carriers, and potential civil litigants. Failure to address this hazard can result in significant employer liability.
Employers Pressed to Stop Distracted Driving
March 7, 2016
Safety advocates and the government, alarmed over the prevalence of employee use of mobile phones on the highway, are pushing companies to adopt distracted-driving policies that ban the use of electronic devices while operating a vehicle.
Employers are Leading the Way
March 7, 2016
| National Safety Council
Employers are going beyond state laws to follow best practices. Read the following case studies to learn why these organizations put a policy in place, how they did it, the obstacles they faced, and their advice to others looking to do the same.
Distracted Driving
January 27, 2016
| AEPtv
Two Kentucky Power Company employees share stories and videos of crashes that occurred while they were driving distracted.
Distracted Driving
March 7, 2016
| National Safety Council
View videos on cell phone distracted driving, including different perspectives on the topic and victim impact stories.