Pursuit / EVOC
Any emergency driving situation involves a risk of a deadly collision with a motorist. Emergency Vehicle Operator Courses (EVOC) are driver training programs that train law enforcement officers on skid pans, overcoming distractions, and surmounting challenges. Students are tested on visual acuity, glare recovery, and reaction time. Simulator training also gives officers the sense of what a pursuit is like and helps them make critical decisions if the officer is involved in a pursuit.
EVOC Vehicle Guidelines
January 26, 2016
| City of Vancouver, Washington Police Department
These guidelines ensure that vehicles are safe enough for EVOC training.
Pursuits Policy Manual
January 26, 2016
| Georgia Department of Public Safety
This sample policy includes guidelines that serve as a framework for troopers to make a reasonable determination, consistent with the provisions of policy and in accordance with their training, whether to engage in, or continue, a pursuit.
Vehicle Pursuit & Emergency Vehicle Operation
January 26, 2016
| Legal & Liability Risk Management Institute
This sample policy provides guidelines and directions for the establishment of responsibility for the safe operation of police vehicles during a pursuit; for the initiation or discontinuation of pursuits; for the responsibility of participating officers and supervisor; and to provide the essential balancing of the necessity for the pursuit and more immediate apprehension of the fleeing subject against the risks involved with the pursuit which might include death, injury and/or property damage.
Vehicle Pursuits
March 7, 2016
| Real Police
Vehicle pursuits are always regulated by jurisdictional policies and applicable city, state, and federal laws. This article is intended to provide a common sense approach to vehicle pursuits based on a compilation of different police policies from several jurisdictions.
Driver Training Program
March 7, 2016
| Georgia Public Safety Training Center
The Driver Training Program conducts the 24-hour Basic Emergency Vehicle Operators Course (EVOC) course that is required by the Georgia Peace Officers Standards and Training Council for entry-level officers from all regional and contract academies.
Pursuit Driving Report
March 7, 2016
| Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board
A thorough post-pursuit checklist.
Driver Operator Evaluation Checklist
March 7, 2016
| Cumberland, Maine Fire Department
This checklist provides documentation that an individual has completed the required minimum training before receiving authorization from the Chief to drive a fire department apparatus.
EVOC Course
January 26, 2016
| Alexander Jones
A short, informal video showing a person riding shotgun with an EVOC instructor.