Night Driving
No matter what your role - law enforcement, firefighter, public works, or water/sewer - you may need to spend some of your time driving at night. Immediately, the risks of an accident increase at night due to lower visibility and both distracted and fatigued drivers. The principles of night driving are generally the same no matter what vehicle your employees drive, and so our guidelines, best practices, and sample policies will give you some ideas on how to make sure your employees drive as safe as possible at night.
Night Driving Safety Tips
February 18, 2016
| DMV.org
There are no bad cars, only bad drivers. It's up to the operator to stay alert, especially at night, when road dangers wax and alertness wanes. Fortunately, there are many precautions you can take to heighten your driving safety driving safety.
Vehicle Safety Tips: All You Need to Know about Night Driving
February 18, 2016
| Safety Services Company
For drivers who have to work at night by delivering goods or traveling from one workplace to another, a wild imagination is not necessary to stay safe on the road. All you need are the following safety measures on night driving.
Driver's Time Record
February 18, 2016
| Alabama Law Enforcement Agency
This form can help track the amount of your employees' night driving.
Driver's Daily Log
February 18, 2016
| Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
A daily log for employees who drive long distances can help track night driving hours.
After Dark: The Most Dangerous Time to Drive
February 18, 2016
| National Safety Council
Lack of light, compromised night vision, rush hour, impaired drivers and fatigue all contribute to making driving at night more dangerous than during any other time of day. In fact, traffic deaths are three times greater at night, according to National Safety Council research.
4 Safety Tips for Night Driving
February 18, 2016
| Allstate Blog
Whether it’s just after dusk, or right before dawn, these tips can help you take back the night.
Expert Talks Night Driving, How to Adjust
February 18, 2016
| FOX 2 (St. Louis)
How is your night vision? Do you have problems seeing while you're behind the wheel? SLUCare Ophthalmologist Dr. Matthew Council gives some tips to help you adjust.
What to Do to Make Driving at Night Safer
February 18, 2016
| Defensive Driving
Defensive Driving Online spokesman Jim Angelo explains some of the hazards created by darkness and offers several tips to make driving at night safer.