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Alcohol Awareness
February 4, 2016
For many, an alcoholic drink is nothing more than part of a good meal or a pleasant way to relax. However there’s more to know.
Avoiding Allergies
February 4, 2016
People who have allergies can live healthy and active lives. While there are no sure ways to prevent allergies or asthma, there are ways to reduce reactions or “attacks."
Colon Cancer
February 4, 2016
Cancer of the colon or rectum is the 4th most common cancer in U.S. for men and women. It is the 2nd leading cause of death by cancer (after lung)—for both men and women. Early detection and screenings are vital to the treatment of this cancer. If detected and treated early, the 5-year survival rate is 90%!
Eye Injury Prevention
February 4, 2016
Eye injuries occur at a rate of 2,000/day—about ½ of them in the workplace. Almost 70% occur from falling or flying objects (bits of metal or glass), or sparks striking the eye.
Men’s Health
February 4, 2016
Take this 5-question quiz to see what you know about men’s health needs and issues.
Mental Health
February 4, 2016
Life’s challenges and surprises sometimes make us feel like there’s just too much to handle. Work stress, unexpected illness, financial problems, and raising children can take their toll.
Poison Prevention
February 4, 2016
More than 2/3 of homes with young children report household chemicals (cleaners, bleach, kerosene, pesticides) are stored unlocked. Stay safer with the following tips.
Q1 Health Promotion Poster_Women, Alcohol,Smoking ,Mens
May 8, 2019
| LGRMS Health Promotions Services
The LGRMS Health Promotion Services Poster Campaign is a quarterly publication that aligns with the National Health Observances Calendar and coincides with the Weekly Health Scoops. This quarter's poster focuses on Women's Health, Smoking Cessation, Men's Health, and Alcohol Awareness.
Sleeping Soundly?
February 4, 2016
A good night’s sleep is important for good health, safety, productivity, and overall well-being. It is as important to our health as good nutrition and physical activity. Did you know that lack of sleep has been linked with weight gain, and a higher risk of heart attack and stroke?
Women’s Health
February 4, 2016
This poster provides awareness about heart disease, breast cancer, and osteoporosis.
Work Safety
February 4, 2016
Spend all day tapping away on a keyboard or lifting heavy objects? This can result in injury and musculoskeletal disorders, including neck pain, back pain, tendinitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome.
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